Get to know me


After spending over 15 years immersed in the fast-paced world of Hospitality and Corporate environments, I followed my heart’s calling to become a Naturopathic Health Coach.

The turning point was witnessing my mother’s brave fight against breast cancer. Seeing her resilience throughout the challenging journey, which included invasive conventional treatments such as chemotherapy, radiotherapy, and potent medications, left a lasting mark on my heart.

Driven by love for our mother and an unwavering commitment to her well-being, my siblings and I embarked on a relentless quest for natural remedies, and together, we dove deep into the realms of holistic approaches, seeking the intricate connections between disease and lifestyle choices, such as the impact of diet, stress, lack of exercise and movement, on our well-being.

Eager to expand my knowledge and deepen my understanding of mind-body healing, I embarked on a transformative self-discovery journey. I found myself in the serene mountains of India, where ancient wisdom beckoned me. There, I immersed myself in the profound teachings of mindfulness, movement and exercise. Learning how to harness the power of these ancient practices for healing and balance.

This transformative path led me to make a bold decision. I chose to let go of my pursuit of an MBA and instead immerse myself in the study of Naturopathic Medicine, becoming a qualified Health Coach with a College in Natural Therapies in the UK.

It has therefore become my purpose and passion to share this wisdom, guiding others on their healing journeys and empowering them to embrace their innate potential for vibrant health and well-being.

Come join me in this transformative journey!

Mihret Berhe


Wellness is the complete integration of body, mind, and spirit - the realization that everything we do, think, feel, and believe has an effect on our state of well-being.
Greg Anderson