Terms & Conditions

All retreat participants must make themselves aware of the terms & conditions & accept the risks associated with attending the retreat and the course activities.  Each guest must be responsible for taking out the appropriate personal accident, holiday, cancellation & Covid/ any pandemic, cover insurance policy for the full duration of the retreat, this is a non negotiable condition when booking our retreats.

If you do not already have a comprehensive travel policy with Covid/Pandemic cover in place prior to making your retreat / holiday reservation, we strongly advise that you do take out a policy as soon as you book your retreat.

MIHRET’NA LTD accepts bookings subject to the following conditions as laid out below.


In the agreement unless otherwise specified the following expressions refer to the following meanings;

Booking – The booking made by the client with MIHRET’NA LTD & as set out on the MIHRET’NA LTD booking form.

Booking Form – The booking form produced by MIHRET’NA LTD to be completed by the client when & upon making a booking with MIHRET’NA LTD.

Contract – The contract between the client & MIHRET’NA LTD under which the services are provided by MIHRET’NA LTD Ltd to the client.

Client – The person, business or company who makes the booking with MIHRET’NA LTD.

Mihretna Ltd, Wellness & Family Planning Retreat will remain strictly for guests over the age of 18. Couples are welcome to bring a  toddler under the age of 3 years to the retreat. The child must be supervised by an adult at all times. Additionally, please ensure that your insurance policy includes coverage for your child.

Payment – The total fee will be due for payment strictly 12 full weeks in advance of the retreat commencement date. 

Fee – The amount payable to MIHRET’NA LTD under the contract.

Deposit – A deposit payment of Euros 1000.00 per person will be required to reserve each place at the retreat.

Force Majeure / Special Circumstances – Any act, event, omission or accident beyond MIHRET’NA LTD’s reasonable control including but in no way limited to Act of God, war, riot, civil commotion, malicious damage, compliance with any law or government order, rule, pandemic, regulation or direction, accident, breakdown of plant or machinery, fire, flood, storm, adverse weather, default of suppliers or subcontractors, strikes, lock-out’s, or other industrial disputes, failure of a utility service or transport network.

Major Change – A change in the date or over 80% of the content of the service. The exception being under “special circumstances”.

MIHRET’NA LTD – The Ultimate Retreat Host

Recordings – Photographs, videos, or any other audio visual recordings taken of the clients during the provision of the services.

Wording importing the singular meaning shall include the plural meaning & vice versa.

All wording within the booking conditions is generalized & any reference to any gender includes the other genders.

The headings in these conditions are for convenience only & shall not affect their interpretation.


A contract for the services is made between MIHRET’NA LTD & the client upon the issue of a formal written confirmation (e-mail) of booking by MIHRET’NA LTD.

The contract is subject to these booking conditions which the client has been deemed to have read & fully understood. These booking conditions can only be varied by written agreement between MIHRET’NA LTD & the client.


The activities & services provided by MIHRET’NA LTD to the client under the terms of the contract & service shall be construed accordingly.


To place a booking with MIHRET’NA LTD, MIHRET’NA LTD require a completed booking form together with the payment of a deposit fee in the sum of Euro 1000.00 per person. A booking is to be made by e-mail, accordingly, the client shall be deemed to have read & fully understood these conditions & signed the declaration on the booking form. All bookings are provisional & are only confirmed when the deposit payment has cleared MIHRET’NA LTD’s bank account & a formal email confirmation has been sent to the client detailing their formal booking confirmation. 

After a booking has been made by the client, the client should not book their preferred flights until the reservation has been confirmed by MIHRET’NA LTD in the form of a formal confirmation sent via email which will include: formal confirmation of the retreat date, retreat booking notes & information which includes all details of the retreat.

MIHRET’NA LTD reserves the right to decline any booking at their discretion.


The fee payable at the time of booking shall include the planning, organizing & delivery of the proposed services.

Upon the successful payment of the retreat fee by the client a contract is formed for the agreed retreat to be delivered. The client can not request to alter any aspect of the retreat.

The full retreat fee is to be paid in full no later than 90 days before the commencement of the retreat.

In the event that the balance is not paid in the specified time frame MIHRET’NA LTD will have the discretion to treat the booking as cancelled by the client & to re-sell the course place, the fee paid by the client will be retained by MIHRET’NA LTD.

MIHRET’NA LTD will charge a late payment fee to those guests who do not pay in full within the time frame specified in the payment terms & conditions, the late payment fee will be charged at Euro 50.00 per person.

Should a guest not pay in full within 90 days in advance of a retreat start date then MIHRET’NA LTD will have the right to cancel the reservation without compensation, in this case no refund will be due.


The fee does not include international flights/travel to & from the retreats location at which the proposed services shall be provided & this shall be the sole responsibility of the client unless otherwise agreed in writing with MIHRET’NA LTD.

The client is responsible for their own personal medical needs / requirements, clothing & footwear for the duration of the services.

It is the clients responsibility to inform MIHRET’NA LTD in writing of any past, present or potential health issues that may make them unsuitable to participate in the services agreed, failure to disclose any such information may result in MIHRET’NA LTD terminating the contract & withdrawing the client from the services without refund, notwithstanding conditions of cancelation by MIHRET’NA LTD. If a letter of suitability is required from a guests medical professional then this must be sent to & received by MIHRET’NA LTD a minimum of 7 days prior to a retreats start date. 

It is the sole responsibility of the client to ensure that the balance for the cost of their retreat place is paid in full & on time as per the terms set out by MIHRET’NA LTD. MIHRET’NA LTD do not chase guest payments or send payment reminders.

It is the clients sole responsibility to ensure that they have purchased comprehensive & appropriate travel & medical insurance for the full duration of their retreat, this should include but not be limited to: personal accident, holiday & cancellation insurance for the full duration of the retreat, please note that purchasing / putting in place this type of insurance is a condition of booking a MIHRET’NA LTD 


All clients using MIHRET’NA LTD services should be aware that when participating in any exercise or exercise program, there is the possibility of physical injury. In making a reservation / booking with MIHRET’NA LTD, you agree to assume such risk & agree to release & discharge MIHRET’NA LTD from any & all claims for liability, injury, loss & or damage arising from your participation in our services.

If you have any medical condition/s that may make you unsuitable to participate & or may impact on your participation in MIHRET’NA LTD services, you are required to notify us of them in full prior to making you reservation / booking.

If MIHRET’NA LTD or any member of the MIHRET’NA LTD team believe that your health or safety is at risk or if you have failed to disclose to MIHRET’NA LTD in writing any illness, injury or any previous or current medical or health condition / reason that could potentially impact on your ability to participate in MIHRET’NA LTD services, this could result in MIHRET’NA LTD’s refusal to allow you to participate in all / part of the services. In such a situation, your contract may be terminated by MIHRET’NA LTD at the sole discretion of MIHRET’NA LTD without refund or compensation.

Subject to prior notification to the contrary in writing by the client to MIHRET’NA LTD, the client must confirm that he / she is of good mental & physical health &  not aware of any reason why they may not be unable & or unsuited to participate in MIHRET’NA LTD’s services & or may be likely to suffer illness or injury whilst participating in the services provided by MIHRET’NA LTD.

It is always advisable to consult with a Doctor prior to beginning any type of exercise program / regime.

We strongly recommend that when choosing a comprehensive travel insurance that the cover includes personal accident, cancellation insurance plus full Covid/pandemic cover for all Covid/pandemic related eventualities & that it also includes cover for all of MIHRET’NA LTD’s terms & conditions, including but not limited to those regarding amendment or cancellation charges & that such insurance is purchased immediately upon making your retreat reservation with MIHRET’NA LTD.


MIHRET’NA LTD reserves the right to change any price or other particulars of the services before the contract becomes binding.

If there is a major change MIHRET’NA LTD shall notify the client forthwith, MIHRET’NA LTD shall seek to offer the client arrangements as close to the original as it is reasonably possible in the circumstances. If there is any other change other than a major change MIHRET’NA LTD is not obliged to inform the client in advance or obliged to pay any compensation. If changes are made by the venue MIHRET’NA LTD cannot be held responsible for any such changes which are out of their control.


The retreat offers a complimentary return private group airport transfer service, the service is offered on official arrival & departure days only & only at set times. MIHRET’NA LTD reserve the right to change the times offered / stated to accommodate the group. 

For those guests whose flights suffer a delay which results in not being able to meet / take the group transfer, MIHRET’NA LTD will be happy to assist with organizing an alternative transfer but the cost of the new transfer must be accepted by the guest. If a guest requests a taxi service which is provided by a local taxi company / any other provider other than one company contracted by MIHRET’NA LTD specifically to provide year round group airport transfers then any issue arising from this service must be accepted by the guest with no recourse or liability to MIHRET’NA LTD. 


If the client wishes to cancel the reservation / contract they must advise MIHRET’NA LTD in writing / via confirmed email as soon as reasonably possible. Any cancellation of the contract will be subject to the following cancellation charges. For the avoidance of doubt the cancellation charges are based on the number of days before the arrival date of the services.


-For cancellations made after January 20, 2025, (less than 3 months before the retreat), 100% of the retreat cost will be retained by MIHRET’NA LTD. However, if MIHRET’NA LTD is able to resell the spot, a full refund, (minus the deposit of 1000 Euros), will be issued. 

– Depending on the  chosen payment method, an additional 3% fee may apply

Refunds are made minus any applicable / relevant bank charges or card payment fees, plus an administration fee of Euro 50.00 per client. Bank transfer refunds are made in either UK Sterling or Euros. Refunds are made minus any third party commissions where applicable.


Should a guest request to move their retreat date to a new / alternative date, then any deposit / full payment previously received by MIHRET’NA LTD will be deemed as non refundable. If MIHRET’NA LTD accept a request by a guest to move their reservation (this is at the discretion of MIHRET’NA LTD) to a new / alternative date then an administration fee of £50.00 per person will be applied, If the request is within one full month of the retreats start date MIHRET’NA LTD will require medical proof if the change is due to a medical condition or injury. ( A hospital Doctors / GP report will be acceptable) If the request is within 14 full working days prior to the retreat start date then no move or change can be made at this stage. It is the responsibility of each individual guest to ensure that they have comprehensive travel & health insurance in place prior to or immediately upon making a reservation.


MIHRET’NA LTD will always endeavour to fulfil confirmed bookings, however, MIHRET’NA LTD reserves the right to cancel a scheduled retreat date or an individual booking / reservation . If MIHRET’NA LTD cancels a booking prior to the commencement of the services the client will be offered an alternative date, or where applicable a full refund of all monies paid by the guest up to that point ( minus credit card charges & third party commission where applicable ) for the specified reservation. *The exception being that: if the cancellation is due to “special circumstances” (see above under interpretations and definitions) which are beyond the control of MIHRET’NA LTD. 


The contract may be assigned by the client to a third party subject at all times to conditions.

The client is unable to assign or transfer the contract to a third party without the prior written consent of MIHRET’NA LTD, if the client wishes to assign their contract, he or she must give notice in writing providing the full name, address & contact details of the third party. MIHRET’NA LTD shall then advise in writing as to if it consents to the assignment as soon as is reasonably possible. MIHRET’NA LTD reserve the right to refuse an assignment to a third party at any time & without reason. If subsequently a client has to cancel due to MIHRET’NA LTD refusing the assignment to a third party then the cancellation charges under cancellation by the client shall apply.

MIHRET’NA LTD may assign or sub contract to any third party the performance of any of it’s obligations under the contract without consent of the client.


MIHRET’NA LTD reserves the right to alter the content of the services at any time without notice to the client due to certain factors, including, but not limited to the weather, staff, & any physical fitness of the clients.

Any information on / about our services published by MIHRET’NA LTD for it’s literature & web site is designed for illustrative purposes only.

If the client elects not to participate in any of the services being provided, MIHRET’NA LTD has no obligation to provide an alternative activity or service & the client will not be entitled to a refund.

If MIHRET’NA LTD believes that a clients health & safety is at risk, or a client has failed to disclose any relevant health information in accordance with our terms & conditions, MIHRET’NA LTD may at its absolute discretion make decisions affecting the client & where necessary may terminate the contract immediately.

The client must refrain from any illegal act or any conduct physical or verbal which may give offence or cause danger or damage to any person or property. If MIHRET’NA LTD or any of its team, venue staff, consultants or agents become aware of any such action then MIHRET’NA LTD or any of its team, venue staff consultants or agents may at their absolute discretion have the client immediately removed from any property or facility without refund or compensation. MIHRET’NA LTD will have no liability whatsoever to the client under such circumstances.

EXTRA COSTS: costs incurred by guests while at the retreat

All spa & holistic therapies, private 1-2-1 appointments with any of the retreat team health & wellbeing members, additional meals, snacks etc will be charged as extras to the cost of the retreat.

Failure of a guest to settle their account (extras) in full prior to departure & as set out by the retreat host will result in the guests credit card being charged for the appropriate amount, in addition an administration fee equal to 25% of the total unpaid bill will be added to the charge.

If a guest has a query / feels that there is a discrepancy with any additional charges then they must make this known to the retreat director by 6.00pm / 18.00 at the latest on the last full day of the retreat either in person or via email. The last full day will be deemed to be the last full retreat day prior to the retreats official departure day.


The definition of full board will be 3 x meals per day which will be provided as breakfast, lunch & dinner & on full retreat days only, on arrival day only welcome dinner will be provided & on departure day only breakfast will be provided as part of the retreat cost. This applies ONLY to the retreats official arrival & departure days as specified in the published retreat dates for the appropriate year.


If there is a problem during the retreat / services, the client must report it in the first instance to the retreat manager, if it is still unresolved then the issue should be reported immediately to the host of MIHRET’NA LTD so that all efforts may be made to resolve the problem promptly & effectively. In the unlikely event that the problem can not be resolved & the client wishes to make a complaint then the client must notify MIHRET’NA LTD in writing within 7 days of the end of the services / retreat. Failure to provide notice of the complaint in accordance with the above will preclude the client from being entitled to take any further action against MIHRET’NA LTD.



MIHRET’NA LTD venue has accommodation based in private rooms with en-suite bathrooms, unless shared room is opted, for retreat durations of 7 nights /8 days. 

The venue staff  may need to enter guest room to do  cleaning and or in an emergency situation. Room keys will be provided, it is the clients responsibility to ensure personal belongings are secured in the safe available in the room and room locked at all times. If room is being shared with someone else, it is again the client’s responsibility to safe guard their belongings. Mihretna Ltd will not be responsible  

The venue does not allow extension of stay after retreat ends. It is the client’s responsibility to ensure alternative accomodation if they so chose to extend their stay in the retreat location.   The retreat will be deemed to finish at 10.00 am exactly on the retreats official day of departure as specified by MIHRET’NA LTD.

The venue has a check out policy which requires guests to vacate their suites on the agreed day of departure by no later than 10.00 am, 


None of the exclusions & limitations in these conditions are intended to limit any rights the client may have under statute or common law which may not be excluded, nor in any way to exclude or limit liability to the client for personal injury or death resulting from MIHRET’NA LTD negligence or that of its employees or agents, or for any liability incurred as a result of fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation by MIHRET’NA LTD.

The client understands that attending any activity or service provided by MIHRET’NA LTD involves some level of risk. These risks include but are not limited to physical injury or even death. By attending any activity or service provided by MIHRET’NA LTD the client agrees to assume these risks & agrees to release & discharge MIHRET’NA LTD & its Directors, employees & agents from any & all claims for liability.

Neither MIHRET’NA LTD nor any of its Directors, employees or agents will be liable for any loss or damage to any personal property or belonging to the client during the services.

***It is the sole responsibility of the client to purchase full & adequate medical, personal injury & holiday insurance for the full duration of their stay with MIHRET’NA LTD.

All guests must refrain from any illegal act or any conduct unbecoming a retreat guest, conduct or language which may give offence to a team member or guest or any act which may cause damage to property.  If MIHRET’NA LTD or any of its staff, consultants or agents become aware of any such act / conduct then MIHRET’NA LTD & its agents may, at their absolute discretion, ask the client to leave the premises, property or facility, this will be without refund or compensation to the guest, in these circumstances MIHRET’NA LTD will have no further responsibility or liability to the guest.


MIHRET’NA LTD reserve the right to take any photos / recordings of the client during the services, & the client accepts that all rights whatsoever arising in the recordings shall be solely owned by MIHRET’NA LTD.
The client accepts & agrees that any photos / recordings may be used by MIHRET’NA LTD at its absolute discretion in any manner, including but not limited to its web site, promotional material & advertisements. If the client wishes to opt out from 


MIHRET’NA LTD reserves all copyright which may subsist in the products of, or in connection with, the provision of all activities, services or facilities. MIHRET’NA LTD reserves the right to take such actions as it deems appropriate or necessary to restrain or prevent infringement of such copyright.


These terms and conditions shall be governed by and construed in accordance with UK law, and the parties agree to submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the UK Courts


MIHRET’NA LTD are committed to protecting & respecting your privacy.


Any personal data that you submit will be retained by MIHRET’NA LTD for as long as you use the services & systems provided on the web site. Financial data you submit will not be stored or recorded.

Unless we are obliged or permitted by law to do so, & subject to clause, third party web sites & services your data will not be disclosed to third parties.

All personal data is stored securely in accordance with the principles of the Data Protection Act 1998.

Any or all of the above data may be required by us from time to time in order to provide you with the best possible service & experience whilst using our web site, specifically data may be used by us for the following;

  • Internal record keeping.
  • To help to improve our products & services.
  • To transmit via e-mail details of our products & services which may be of interest to you.
  • Contact for market research purposes, which can include e-mail, telephone, postal mail.



MIHRET’NA LTD may, from time to time, employ the services of other parties for dealing with matters that may include, but are not limited to, payment handling, delivery of purchased items, search engine facilities, advertising & marketing. The providers of such services do have access to certain personal data provided by users of this web site.


You may access certain areas of the web site without providing any data at all, however, to use all services & systems available on the web site you may be required to submit account information or other data.

You may restrict your internet browsers use of cookies.


MIHRET’NA LTD may set & access cookies on your computer to enable us to; estimate our audience size & pattern, store information about your preferences, speed up your searches, recognize you when you return to our site.

A cookie is a small file which resides on your hard drive, & often contains an anonymous unique identifier & is accessible only by the web site that placed it there, not any other sites.

You may delete cookies, however you may lose any information that enables you to access the web site more quickly.

You can choose to enable or disable cookies on your web browser, by default your browser will accept cookies, however this can be altered. For further details consult the help menu of your browser. Disabling cookies may prevent you from using the full range of services available on the web site.


MIHRET’NA LTD reserves the right to change this privacy policy as we deem necessary, or as may be required by law. Any changes will be posted on the web site & you are deemed to have accepted the terms of the policy on your first use of the website following the change/s.


Without limitation, any of the following data may be collected;

Name, date of birth, gender, job title, profession, contact information such as e-mail addresses & telephone numbers, demographic information such as post code, preferences & interests. IP address ( automatically collected ) web browser type & version ( automatically collected ) operating system ( automatically collected ) a list of URL’s starting with a referring site, your activity on this site, & the site you exit to ( automatically collected ) & cookie information ( see above ).

DEFINITIONS & INTERPRETATION (in this policy the following terms shall have the following meanings )

Website means the website that you are currently using www.mihretna.com & any sub domains of this site unless expressly excluded by their own terms & conditions.

User / Users means any third party that accesses the web site & is not employed by MIHRET’NA LTD & acting in the course of their employment.

System means any on line communications structure that MIHRET’NA LTD makes available via the website either now or in the future. This includes but is not limited to, web based e-mail, message boards, live chat facilities & e-mail links.

Service means collectively any on line facilities, tools, services or information that MIHRET’NA LTD makes available via the web site either now or in the future.


Data means collectively all information that you submit to the web site, this includes but is not limited to; account details & information submitted using any of our services or systems.

COOKIE means a small text file placed on your computer by MIHRET’NA LTD when you visit certain parts of its web site, this allows us to identify returning visitors & to analyze their browsing habits within the web site. Where e-commerce facilities are provided cookies may be used to store your shopping basket.

CONTENT means any text , graphics images, audio, video, software, data compilations, & any other form of information capable of being stored in a computer that appears on or forms part of this web site.

ACCOUNT means collectively the personal information, payment information & credentials used by users to access material & / or any communications systems on the web site.